To ship cargo by plane, follow these simple steps:
1. Inform a “Sky Hub” LLC specialist that you need to ship cargo by plane. You can submit a request in person at the office, online on the website, by phone (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram): +7 705 644 8295, or via email at
2. Our staff will clarify the cargo parameters and transportation mode, and based on the obtained data, calculate the cost of air delivery. Then, a contract and an Assignment to the Forwarder are signed, or an invoice is issued for one-time transportation.
You can download sample documents in the “Forms of Documents” section.
3. You provide the cargo, properly packaged and prepared according to all regulations. “Sky Hub” LLC specialists will organize the air transportation and provide closing documents for accounting, as well as documents confirming the delivery completion.
Detailed information on cargo requirements can be found in the “Terms of Service” section.
If you need additional information and assistance, please contact us. Our specialists will provide free consultations and help you choose the optimal route.